CrossFit Fat Burn

Crossfit can be intimidating for individuals looking to take that first step of getting in shape. Some common misconceptions about CrossFit is that it entails heavy barbells, tricky movements, "bulking up" and a high risk of injury. We understand this may cause some hesitation. For these reasons, we are starting a new class called "CrossFit Fat Burn". The focus of this class will be just that... burning fat! Workouts will be centered on cardiovascular fitness, fat loss, core work, bodyweight, kettlebells and dumbbell training, as well as nutrition services to boost your results!

This class is a 45 minute session led by a coach without the use of heavy barbells or complicated movements, making it a very beginner friendly introduction to Crossfit, regardless of your fitness level!

Expect to get a sweat on and lose that stubborn belly fat once and for all in this 45 minute class offered Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:30am!
Come get in shape, claim back your fitness, and be proud of your body!

99/Month Before January 1st!